Perinatal Wellbeing - The Podcast about Prenatal, Pregnancy & Postpartum Health
Perinatal Wellbeing - The Podcast about Prenatal, Pregnancy & Postpartum Health
Special: Climb Out of the Darkness Event, Episode 2
Please donate to the Climb here https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/healthy-start-healthy-future-inc/p2p/COTDCanada/team/team-ontario-virtual/
Episode Description:
Today’s episode is a special one for PWO’s Climb Out of the Darkness fundraising event. On these 2 bonus episodes we are going to talk about accessing different types of supports in the Perinatal period when we are experiencing symptoms of a mood and anxiety disorder.
On today’s episode I am so excited to have Amber Sperling talking about the benefits of individual therapy and Kelley Hassanpour about the benefits of group work and group therapy.
Amber Sperling discusses the benefits of Individual therapy:
2:13 - Introducing Amber
2:32 - Amber shares her story of challenges when having her babies
7:06 - Amber moved into working in the Perinatal Mental Health field
8:42 - What is individual therapy?
19:16 - How can people access individual therapy in Ontario?
27:06 – Transition between segments
Kelley Hassanpour discusses the benefits of Group Therapy:
27:10 - Introducing Kelley
27:37 - Kelley’s experience with PPA, accessing private therapy and how to do that
30:29 - Finding a therapist that aligns with your values
35:17 - Kelley’s shift in her professional life, developing groups for new parents
39:46 - What does Kelley see that clients take away from groups
43:39 - The benefits of our NICU therapy group
You can reach all of our guests below:
Karin Thoms
Instagram @karin_pwo
Email: peersupport@perinatalwellbeing.ca
Dr. Niki Nephin
Website https://nikithenaturopath.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/nikinephinND/
Instagram @nikithenaturopath
Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine https://ccnm.edu/
Kelley Hassanpour
Website https://www.parentingfromwithin.ca/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ParentingFromWithin
Instagram @parenting_from_within_
Amber Sperling
Website https://www.ambersperling.ca/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100081392572507
Instagram @amber.sperling.rsw
Allison Flynn-Bowman at Life With a Baby
Website www.lifewithababy.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LifeWithABaby
Instagram @lifewithababy
You can find us at www.perinatalwellbeing.ca on Instagram @perinatalwellbeing_ontario or by email info@perinatalwellbeing.ca